Youth trustee

Youth Trustee

Our Youth Trustee Program acts as a liaison for youth aged 16-24 who have identified money management as a barrier to maintaining a safe and affordable lifestyle.

Referrals to the program can be made by a YES case worker, another agency or be initiated by the client themselves.

How can the Youth Trustee Program help?

When youth clients meet with our Trustee, they discuss their needs, how to budget to meet these needs and what their financial goals are. They come up with a plan together and enter into an agreement that supports plan.

The Trustee can:

  • Administer a personal needs allowance for the client
  • Complete pre-arranged financial transactions and bill payments with the client or on the client’s behalf
  • Assist the client with their financial responsibilities to reinforce skill development
  • Accompany a client to appointments with OW/ODSP, banks, credit counselling, etc.
  • Assist with getting IDs or a bank account
  • Provide referrals to community or government agencies as required and advocate for the client to limit frustrations that they could be experiencing
  • Other financial services that may be necessary

This program is designed to be a collaborative effort between the client and the Trustee. The flexibility and choice built into the program helps participants enhance their finance and resource skills and move into a more independent and financially secure future.

To make a referral to the Youth Trustee Program or to speak with Youth Trustee, about the program, please call 705-748-3851 Ext.  204